I plan on animating stuff the rest of my life... sure hope I don't get my hands cut off.... that'd be rough

James Bowman @DonkeysBazooka

Animator... fo reelz

you bet

Los Angeles, CA

Joined on 3/30/06

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9,090 / 9,340
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7.07 votes
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11y 4m 8d


...you are a good animator maybe? I dont know...just thinking out loud here

i suppose thats possible.... but man, just below waterlollies? thats crazy!

These days, everyone likes simpler animations. Ones that take the stress out of people's lives, even if it's for only a minute or so. It's not overrated, it's pretty much...logical. The surprising thing is (for me, anyways)...is that this is your first flash and your already at a pretty high rank. You should've made flashes sooner, if you ask me.
It's getting a little tiring to see all this garbage that hates on certain people, too adult for words, or just plain pointless. I mean, most animations don't really have a point except to entertain people. But I mean that stuff that used to pop just a few days ago, from people like the Kitty Krew. Now THAT was some stupid work there. I'm just glad they apologized for it in a flash.
Anyways, don't think your work is overrated. You put everything together to make something blissfully simple.

i never thought of it like that. thank you

i watch that video like 12 times in two days

and i downloaded the song and dicovred a new group

i call that a good flash movie

ah :-) well good. that really means a lot to me. im glad i was such an influence

Don't mind my bluntness, but... yes, it definitely is overrated. It's just because of the NG crowd today. They'll five anything, ESPECIALLY if you state it's your first flash movie. Do you consider your movie to be as good as the other flashes with 4.37-4.32 ratings? I hope not.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying your flash is bad, which it isn't, I'm just saying that Newgrounds has lost all judgement. I mean, your new movie is far better and it has a much lower score >.>

yep. but im sure as time goes on the score will drop to a reasonable level. i remember when waterlollies first came out it was rated like 4.95.... which is where i think it should be still

OMFG wnna be in ma collab wid a few others? not sure wot on but yeah

perhaps. let me know what its about first.

where did you learn to draw bodys?

uhh.... i dunno actually... self taught?

Well, like Nondo (the person who made a huge review for Flash Dancer) said, it's very uppity. It makes people happy. When people have something like that, and its so short you can just watch it any time, they will rate it high. And make reviews about how good it is.

Also, like Shamanprincess30 said, people DO like simpler animations. Of course, what I think is if you have a complex, but great one, people will still love that one too.

Keep on animating!

okay, that all makes sense. thanks

Oh, and yeah, the score will probably go down. It seems like every new flash that people love get scored crazy high *coughawesomegaidencough*

yeah, i expect it to. Awesome Gaiden is taking a little longer to go down than most of Egoraptor's flashes though... I mean, it's funny... but come on.

wow, thats insane! It might a little overrated but it's getting your name out there in the big wide internetz. good job!

thanks :-P

Thats just what happens when you first submit a flash, after a while it'll go down ( no offense)

yeah, i assume so

i don't think you give yourself the credit you deserve, it may not be as flashy as many other animations, but i don't thing Flash is about being flashy (lol, pun) but instead, I thing Flash is about purely entertaining

well that makes me feel just great

Grats! Keep up the funny stuff dude, i would love to see what you could do with more than just a few days of animating

well maybe someday youll get to

Dont get too surprised after the first two or three successful flashes your high rolling in this place


I'm telling you man, it's the short and simple stuff that people really get a kick out of. Either way, congradulations!

well ill try to keep that in mind. thanks

over rated

what ever the majority likes, tends to get up there fast *wink*

;-) well i hope the majority likes my next stuff

You'll find, as already stated that your score may go down over time. This is bound to happen by pure statistics. More people are going to vote over time with various scores and the average is going to change.

Plus on scores at Newgrounds, I have to say it is disheartening to see real good work, I mean REALLY good work that deserves attention for there qualities. Not whether it has totally awesome animation - lots of things get high scores simply because someone likes what the toon is about, not even if it is any good!

A last but not least. I first came to this when I was a teenager. Ten years later all those teenagers who started watching are still with NG, but also the new teenagers and young folk. THEY are the reason the scores are so erratic.

Unfortunately not everyone can make a decent critique of a piece of creativity or entertainment and look at it for what it is, and I'm not saying all young people are stupid or something, I'm just saying not all would really appreciate qualities in some of the toons presented on NG.

I for one hope the Fulp lads can turn the site around a little more. Good moderation, keep the youthful energy and [sick/filthy/wrong] humour but grow the site up a little.

Lets see what happens.

i completely agree with you on everything. i actually preferred the old rating system where we ranked them all in terms of graphics, sound, humor, violence, and overall. it gave people help deciding how much they actually thought the flash was worth.

and i hate to pick on Egoraptor, but his fans are exactly why newgrounds is shallowing out. i will admit, they're funny. but aside from that, what is there to appreciate? awesome gaiden has had a score far above every other submission for weeks now. that's just not right

how did this happen? i think your first flash might be a little overrated!

i think you might be a little i hate you

Part of it is overrated, but hey, that's not a problem. I didn't watch the whole thing through, just until he changed colors... I thought at first it was great, with him sort of... growing as he danced? It was good until his body was complete for me at least.

And, reading your comments, I agree with you concerning the Awesome series. I mean sure, every time I see one, I laugh, but... Watch that "How to suceed on Newgrounds" video, and it really does explain how to make an Awesome movie.

I wish more original flashes would come in. :( I'd like to see you take the Flash Dancer idea and expan upon it though!

we shall see what becomes of it. i've already made a good dent in the sequel