I plan on animating stuff the rest of my life... sure hope I don't get my hands cut off.... that'd be rough

James Bowman @DonkeysBazooka

Animator... fo reelz

you bet

Los Angeles, CA

Joined on 3/30/06

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I had a dream last night that The-Swain drunk dialed me

Posted by DonkeysBazooka - May 13th, 2009

which is weird since I've never spoken to him before...

I dreamed that he called me up and was telling me that weather is all a conspiracy and doesn't really exist. And I was like, "Actually, I'm pretty sure weather exists. It ruined my graduation party."

And he was like, "Nah, they're fakin' it." Then there was a long awkward pause. And I said, "Listen, it's the middle of the night... I think I'm gonna head back to bed now."

And then he got real hostile and started saying "Fuck you!" and hung up.

Then I woke up... it was a wet dream.

In other news, I seem to have been quite nonexistent on Newgrounds since Christmas. Which means I have a lot of explaining to do. I mean, I've been on here watching, and voting, and reviewing (a little), and stuff but I haven't submitted anything new in waaay too long...

Hopefully that will change now that I'm on summer vacation. I hope to crank out a bunch of flashes by the end of summer, because I'm guessing when school starts again this fall I'm going to have approximately absolutely no free time.... transferring to S.I. Newhouse at Syracuse University... I'm gonna be majoring in TV, Radio and Film, and minoring in Animation. It's always been a goal of mine to get rich in the television industry and spend 90% of my salary paying off college loans.


Anyway, although I haven't uploaded anything, that doesn't mean I've been abstinent from Flash. I actually have about 5 things in the works... none of them completely done. I suck in that way. I start new shit before I finish old shit. Sometimes I never get around to finishing the old shit. It's all very shitty.

For example, remember Flash Dancer 2? That sequel to Flash Dancer I started last... August?... The one I promised I'd be done with by 12/16/08? Well I'm still working on it... and not very diligently. I plan to get that finished over the summer. I really mean it this time.
Flash Dancer 2 screenshot
40% done, I'd guess. It's all frame-by-frame at 22 FPS (not on twos) so it's a slow process.

But before that, I'm going to finish this other short little flash I'm working on. If I had the time to work on it, I think I could have it done in a day or two, so that is going to be my first order of business. Here's a screenshot:
Untitled upcoming flash screenshot
I'd estimate it's about 70% done. Hopefully that'll jump up to 100% within the next week or so.

Since January-ish, I've had this great idea for a series called Blasphemy. I even got TomaMoto and Appsro to do voicework for it. If it ever gets done, it will be a massive 10-14 minute movie. Unfortunately, that's looking less and less likely. I'm afraid it might just be too ambitious a project for me... you'll notice I've never done a flash that was longer than 4 minutes...

If I could ever get it done, it would be amazing, and I'm not ready to call it quits on it just yet. So far I have about 1 minute or so of animation done... and I've been working on it since January... see what I mean? By now I had planned to be almost done with it.
Blasphemy screenshot
Around 2.0001873% done.... it's a looooong way off.... X-C

Also, a while ago I thought of a clever idea for a sequel to What All Old People Can Do... I was pretty sure when I first made that I was never going to be able to make a sequel, since it's pretty much a 1 joke thing. Making a sequel would just be retelling the same joke in a different way, and a joke is never as funny the second time you hear it.... but I think I found a way around that. I haven't even begun to work on it yet, but if I ever did I don't think it would take too long. So that may appear sometime in the future.

Last but not least... Halloween 2009. Remember Gone Too Far, my 2008 entry?... Well i gotta be honest with you. I really hate Gone Too Far. It sucks. The story is terrible, there's no style to it, it's just really shitty. I'm not proud of it at all, and even though I wrote "...or is it?" at the very end, I NEVER planned on continuing that story. BLECH! SUCK!!

... but then I got a really good idea for a cartoon and I think I'm going to make a sequel to Gone Too Far now. Rest assured it would be in no way at all like the first one, because the sequel isn't gonna suck.

0% done on both of those so far, but I'll let you know if they ever get started... hopefully not until I finish some of the older shit.

And there you have it. I hope I've made up for my lack of... anythingness since December.

Talk to ya soon.

Your friend and mine,


fuck you! lol jkjk

okay well as long as youre just kidding.... we can still be friends i guess...... so hey, who are you again?

just three letters: L O L

Had anyone drowned when you woke up?

a small village

maybe swain really did call you and youre just thinking it was a dream

Good stuff.

And now we wait patiently for the Swain to inevitibly make a comment in this newspost.

aww now you've gone and jinxed it!

The-Swain is very handsome; I don't blame you.

I had a dream that Swain made a military and talked like captain from Tankmen and then enlisted me for his military and he decided to invade somalia with airsoft guns.

you win

i rofled


don't mind if i do

It wasn't a dream. Only the person who created Blockhead could come up with such awesome Drunk Phonecalls.

Aww. I was really excited about Blasphemy. Hopefully you'll get to it one day. With your skills you should be able to get into the biz no problem. You need to get your stuff in the hands and eyes of people with money.

By the way, did you hear my good news. Check out my latest post when you get a chance.

yeah, Blasphemy's not completely dead yet, and I didn't wanna preemptively tell you it was. maybe someday :-/

IMHO Gone too far is great. I really enjoyed it but oh well... It makes my wonder why you worked on it if you didn't like it.

Also, your new flash is cool :)
Luckily I spotted it while it was under judgment, good work :D