I plan on animating stuff the rest of my life... sure hope I don't get my hands cut off.... that'd be rough

James Bowman @DonkeysBazooka

Animator... fo reelz

you bet

Los Angeles, CA

Joined on 3/30/06

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So apparently I just uploaded my submission to the Winter Flash-off

Posted by DonkeysBazooka - January 15th, 2010

This would be it.

When I started it on December 20th, I thought I only had until December 31st to get it finished. It's a damn good thing I'm wrong about stuff so often. I definitely made use of the extra time. I wonder what it would have looked like if I didn't have the extra 2 weeks.

In any case, I included Previous Frame, Stop, Play, and Next Frame buttons in the movie so you can slow it down and watch it one frame at a time if you so desire. I know I often desire that when I watch flashes.

I really don't have anything to say here... uh...

Okay, so like... I've been using Pandora a lot lately. (The Internet radio thing, not the fictional moon from Avatar). It was doing real well picking stuff I like at first, but I guess among all my "liking" and "disliking" songs, it got derailed cause its playing a lot of cock shit that I'd never wanna listen to. I musta really fucked something up. I'll prolly start over with a new radio station.

Also, I've gone snowboarding twice this year. That's like, a record. The last couple years I've only managed to get up to the mountain once. Pretty lame. I'm gonna try to go again at least once. That'd really curve my average. But man, last time I went, I totally wiped out. It was fuck as dicks. Like, one minute I was up and riding, then the next thing I knew I was on my face in the snow, checking to make sure my legs still functioned. It was pretty funny.

I've gotta start school again next Tuesday. I'm really not looking forward to it at all. Not being in school is wonderful. But, ah you know how it is. I haven't bought any of my textbooks yet. Pretty stupid. Cause like, I plan on renting them from Chegg.com, but they take time to be delivered. So there's basically no way I'm gonna have them on time.... meh, I'll worry about it on Tuesday.

I haven't been sleeping much lately. That is 100% due to this, but it's gotta be very unhealthy. Like, I haven't had more than 6 hours of sleep a single night this week. And then tonight, I've had... well actually I haven't gone to bed yet. Its 6:15 AM, and I'm typing this instead of sleeping. I just uploaded this a little while ago. I worked on it all night to get it done. Nothing like waiting til the last minute, right? Heheh... sigh...

Have I said enough to make this a worthwhile post? No? What's that {you}? You haven't cared about a single thing I've typed here? Man that's harsh. Can't say I blame you though. I don't even care about a single thing I've typed here. Oh here's something else!

Okay, so I've got a kitten. She's an asshole. We just had her uterus removed so she can't make kitten kittens. I'm glad. I don't like her. I've also got a puppy. She's a pain in the balls, but at least she's lovable. She got fixed the same day as the kitten.... maaaan..... fuck, I gotta go to work in 3 hours.... I hope my boss sees me and is like, "Dude, Jamie, fuck you're an ugly shit!" Then I hope he says, "You can go home now, cause we don't have any more work for you to do. Oh and here's a buncha money. And a blowjob." I wouldn't take the blow job though. Not unless he paid me... who would the whore be in that situation? I guess it'd be me, since he's paying me. Like, even though he's the one performing the sexual act, I'm pretty sure you can hire a prostitute to let you eat her pussy... not something I'd recommend. Unless you're someone I hate. Then I'd get AIDS somehow and fuck you myself so you die. I'd sure show you...

okay, bedtime.


nice animation and all.
I know what its like, not sleeping, putting in those long hours of labor....
but that last part of your rant, hahahaha
you may get quoted on that..

good stuff, made my night/morning/day

maan, what the fuck was it talking about? i barely remember typing that. i've slept since then though, so i'm no longer stumbling through life in a drunken, sleep deprived haze

Holyshit that was awesome.

That was an awesome flash! :D

Just watched your flash and thought it was pretty cool. Loved the logs pumping out a snowman. Also, the last paragraph of this news post is awesome. Clearly sleep deprived!

Take the rest you deserve!
Great animation, I loved the timming when nearly falling from the trunk.
Its cool to see how you get thejob done with the needed amount of diferent drawings.

Keep on!

Cool CalvinHobees style

the bit with the snowman reminded me of that donald duck cartoon

i'm not familiar with the donald duck cartoon of which you speak. is it online?

I really loved Snowfall, sorry I didn't get round to letting you know sooner.

The animation, expression and timing were all top notch. Totally jealous. Can'[t wait to see what you do next.

i guess i can forgive you... but really, thanks. that obviously means a lot to me, coming from you. you're a huge inspiration to me.